Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tomatoes and rubber chickens.....

A few days ago, my husband brought home a bag full of beautiful red tomatoes that a co-worker had given to him.  This is the time of year when no tomato is refused!  We plant them and grow them and eat them.  When someone else does the same and shares with us, we gratefully accept them and eat them too!  It is tomato eating season, after all.

Knowing what was in this bag when I got home was evident by just looking at it.  It was tied up carefully and each rosy red jewel was bulging inside that bag, just waiting to be unleashed.  We were having left-over tomato and bacon sandwiches from our already sliced jewel, so no need to open the bag just yet.

Last night, I opened the bag.

I laughed out loud.  Nestled within these wonderful tomatoes was a rubber chicken key chain and a cute hand written note on a Post-It that read, "It's All About The Rubber Chicken"..."I hope you needed some tomatoes and a key chain."

Thank you Frank, for the smiles and laughs you created by sending this bag of tomatoes and the best key chain home to me!  I'm so glad I shared my story with you Saturday.  :)
