Cabin Love...

This spring is it!  We will finally finish up on the exterior work on the cabin.  Even though I am anxious to get working on the camper renovations, this is justifiably first on the "honey do" list as our lumber has been weathering almost too long.  It's been laying in wait on a flat bed trailer for us to cull through and use what is usable.  It's time....because if another year goes by with that lumber on that trailer, we will have plenty of camp fire wood!

I will post our progress here on the new page for the cabin.  Until then...

MAY 28th, 2014

Back on the job with the board and's how we progressed this weekend..

 We continued this project the following trip up and finished the entire south side of the cabin as well as trimming out the porch window and entrance door.

The loft face
 is the final
 piece to
be finished.
 That is going
 to take
lots of
there are
 many angles
in that
 one space.

We will do it though.

Until next time...
Some more yard work....

More work was done on the exterior of the cabin....

I love the new lighter look! ♥ 

The face boards and the underside of the roof peak were the toughest to finish.  Two runs of rough cut lumber on the underside were 22 and 14" wide by 10'.  They were quite heavy and clumsy to hold up and mark to take down and cut.  But, we did it.  I can happily say now that the exterior of the cabin is complete.

 Time for some new chairs to match....


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