Wednesday, March 9, 2016

new moons and celebrations....

life's moments
to celebrate

Springtime always seems a new start, a fresh beginning.  We rake up weathered leaves to unearth the green sprouts of new that were hiding in waiting.  We plow, we plant, we start over again.  We rely on seasons to carry on.  We hope for better.  We feel confident to stride forward.  Better harvests and grasps are right ahead... 


Let's step back and notice...and celebrate. 


HAP said...

what a nice fresh outlook for the coming season ! thank you GAIL !

Scott said...

It looks like Spring officially begins on Sunday, March 20th at 12:30 AM EDT. The countdown is underway and we're all looking forward to the celebration Gail.

Gail said...

Spring always seems to do that to me, Hap. Thank you for commenting! Are you back yet?

Gail said...

It's easy to remember the exact day spring begins, Scott. Billy's birthday. :) Thanks for commenting! And, enjoy the rest of my blog.