Sunday, October 4, 2020

Tuckertown.....what a town!

 After discussing the thought of another yard sale, Carolyn Sally and I decided we wanted to have one again but in a different location.  Sally offered her yard.  We set the date.  Last weekend was not only the two day yard sale, it was a time to gather outdoors in the beautiful sunshine.  I met so many great people that even if I had not earned a dime, the time spent there was worth so much more.  

The village itself is perfect in ways that I hadn't expected. I've known about it for so long and yet had never had an opportunity of visiting anyone there until Sally moved in.   Each unique home has its own nicely landscaped yard and enough room to have a beautiful evening dinner on your back patio or enjoy your morning cup of coffee or tea and watch the sunrise from your front deck.  It is a peaceful and secure community.  And the people, did I mention the people?

Although there were so many wonderful people stopping by to shop and visit that I couldn't possibly mention them all, here are a few that I met that I would like to....

First, a great big thank you to Sally for letting me camp in her driveway! 

Mickie and Jack from the HA, a thank you to Jacks offer to help us out in any way during the yard sale.

Thank you to Beth, who has the talent of “staging”!  (I sold my vintage typewriter ๐Ÿ˜‰).

To Gina and her parents for putting up with our silly antics and music choices!

To Adrienne and Cheryl for your wonderful spirit!!๐Ÿ’• It was an absolute pleasure meeting you two.  I have something for you for your paint crafts, Adrienne!  

Thanks to Victoria from Randall Real Estate for the wonderful tour of your camper!  Just lovely!!

Thanks to the husband and wife bus drivers for the entertaining story of how that baseball bat incident broke your arm!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

To LuLu’s master for “ Best Face Masks EVER!”

To Steve who bought my maple two tier dumb waiter table....I hope you get those coasters!

To Michael who shared his story with us.

To Rowan and her free teddy bear....enjoy it sweetie!

And, thank you to the one ‘o-clock Sunday afternoon rain shower crowd for shopping while we held up the tarps for you!!


debbie said...

Sounds like you met a lot of wonderful people

Gail said...

Hi Debbie! We met so many great people! It was a good weekend. Thanks for commenting!

Hap said...

You had a GREAT weekend for it ! And it sounds like everything went PERFECT ! ! Glad for You ! !

Gail said...

Hi Hap! It was simply wonderful. Thanks for commenting!