Sunday, December 30, 2012

The thing about snow days...

Although it has been many years since I've had a "snow day" from school, it felt just like that during this recent snow storm.  It holds many delights.  In the darkness, it snows so silently and displays such a beauty that most photos just can't capture.  A bonus to this silent beauty is when the electricity goes out.  More silence.  Not even the hum of the computer.  It's a peaceful calm that you don't particularly want, but when it suddenly shows up, it's nice.  Time to reflect or time to nap.  To light some candles. To play in the snow and feel it's winters chill.  To come inside and warm yourself by the fire...clothes dripping with melting snow.  A feeling of coziness indoors.  A home cooked stew shared with neighbors.  Time to be together.  We should be so lucky to have many more snow days.

February, 18th, 2013

February is living up to it's reputation this year!  Another major snow fell on us last weekend.  It was a heavy snow, and we did lose power, but thanks to our neighbors hospitality and generator, we were able to enjoy another delicious meal with friends!  Thank you John and Leah.


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