Thursday, January 30, 2014

Back to the drawing board.....

Image courtesy of EHOW

Well, I am afraid it is back to the drawing board again with my comments widget here.  Please forgive me if I have confused you to the point of no return.  I am hoping to find a simple solution so that no one has to jump through so many hoops just to give me a piece of their mind.  Good, bad or ugly…..I want them all, and I am going to work really really hard to get this better for all of you.
In the meantime, you can still read my posts.  I would love it if you would.

Thank You!


Anonymous said...

Always love the "chicken" updates!

Anonymous said...

oh, BTW, it's Nola

Gail said...

Thank you so much Nola! :) Happy Friday to you. And....keep the faith- I will make commenting easier, I promise.